Dart Documentationsparse_list.dartSparseList<E>

SparseList<E> class

This list class is slow and only useful for very large arrays with chunks of the same value.

Sequences with the same value are compressed simply with startIndex, numberOfValues, value. 0,0,0,1,1,2,2,2,2,3 is store internal as [[0,3,0],[3,2,1],[5,4,2],[9,1,3]].

theList = new SparseList.from([0,0,0,1,1,2,2,2,2,3]);
// Returns
// 'new SparseList.fromSparseList( [\n  [0,3,0],[3,2,1],[5,4,2],[9,1,3]\n]);'
class SparseList<E> {
 List basicList = new List();
 var itemsLength = 0;


 /// Returns true if there is no value in the list.
 bool get isEmpty {
   return basicList.isEmpty;

 /// Returns true if there is at least one element in this collection.
 bool get isNotEmpty => !isEmpty;

 /// Returns the first element.
 E get first {
   if (itemsLength == 0) throw new StateError("No elements");
   return elementAt(0);

 /// Returns the last element.
 E get last {
   if (itemsLength == 0) throw new StateError("No elements");
   return elementAt(itemsLength - 1);

 /// The number of values in the list.
 int get length {
   return itemsLength;

 /// Returns the value at the given index.
 E operator[](int index) => this.elementAt(index);

 E elementAt(int index) {
   return basicList[_chunkPositionForElementAt(index)][2];

 ///  Returns the uncompressed list.
 List get itemList {
   var theList = new List();
   var chunkSize;
   var chunkValue;
   basicList.forEach((each) {
     chunkSize = each[1];
     chunkValue = each[2];
     for (var i = 0; i < chunkSize; i++) {
   return theList;
 ///Creates a List containing the elements of this Iterable.
 ///The elements are in iteration order. The list is fixed-length if growable is false.
 List<E> toList({ bool growable: true }) {
   List<E> result;
   result = new List.from(itemList, growable: growable );
   return result;
 /// Applies the function f to each element of this collection.
 void forEach(void action(E element)) {
   int length = itemsLength;
   var chunkSize;
   var chunkValue;
   basicList.forEach((each) {
     chunkSize = each[1];
     chunkValue = each[2];
     for (var i = 0; i < chunkSize; i++) {
       if (length != itemsLength) {
         throw new ConcurrentModificationError(this);

 /// Creates a list and initializes it using the contents of other.
 factory SparseList.from(List other) {
   var newList = new SparseList();
   var currentValue, previousValue;
   var item;
   for (var i = 0; i < other.length; i++) {
     currentValue = other[i];
     if (previousValue != currentValue) {
       item = [i,1,currentValue];
     } else {
     previousValue = currentValue;

   newList.itemsLength = other.length;
   return newList;

 /// Creates a list and initializes it using the contents of other.
 ///     new SparseList.fromSparseList( [
 ///       [0, 3, 0],[3, 2, 1],[5, 4, 2],[9, 1, 3]
 ///     ]);
 factory SparseList.fromSparseList(List other) {
   var newList = new SparseList();
   other.forEach((each) {
     newList.itemsLength = newList.itemsLength + each[1];
   return newList;

 int _chunkPositionForElementAt(int index) {
   if (length <= index) throw new StateError("Not enough elements");
   var result;
   var startChunk, endChunk;
   var fuzzyPosition = ((index * basicList.length) / itemsLength).round();
   //print("fuzzyPosition $fuzzyPosition = round (index $index * basicList.length ${basicList.length}) / itemsLength $itemsLength ");
   if (fuzzyPosition >= basicList.length) {
     fuzzyPosition = basicList.length - 1;
   var fuzzyChunk = basicList[fuzzyPosition];
   // TODO Workaround. Optimize with bigger and then smaller steps ?
   if (index >= fuzzyChunk[0]) {
     // forwards
     for (var i = fuzzyPosition; i < basicList.length; i++) {
       startChunk = basicList[i][0];
       endChunk = startChunk + basicList[i][1];
       if ((index >= startChunk) && (index < endChunk)) {
         result = i;
   } else {
     // backwards
     for (var i = (fuzzyPosition - 1); i < basicList.length; i--) {
       startChunk = basicList[i][0];
       endChunk = startChunk + basicList[i][1];
       if ((index >= startChunk) && (index < endChunk)) {
         result = i;
   return result;

 List _chunkAt(int index) {
   return basicList[_chunkPositionForElementAt(index)];

 /// Set the value at the given index.
 void operator[]=(int index, var value) {
   var oldChunkPosition = _chunkPositionForElementAt(index);
   var currentChunk = basicList[oldChunkPosition];
   var currentValue = currentChunk[2];
   if (value != currentValue) {
     var updatedChunk = [currentChunk[0],(index - currentChunk[0]),currentValue];
     var newElementChunk = [index,1,value];
     var newRestChunk = [(index + 1),(currentChunk[1] - updatedChunk[1] - 1),currentValue];
     print("currentChunk $currentChunk updatedChunk $updatedChunk newElementChunk $newElementChunk newRestChunk $newRestChunk ");
     if(newRestChunk[1] > 0)  {
       basicList.insert((oldChunkPosition + 1), newRestChunk);
     basicList.insert((oldChunkPosition + 1), newElementChunk);
     if(updatedChunk[1] == 0) {
     } else {
       basicList[oldChunkPosition] = updatedChunk;
 // TODO use operator[]= code for insert()

 /// Adds a new value to the end of this list.
 void add(value) {
   // TODO replace last chunk if posible.
   var item = [0,0,value];

 /// Adds a new value to the end of this list.
 void addItem (List aItem) {
   itemsLength = itemsLength + aItem[1];

 /// Returns the Dart script to include in source code.
 ///     new SparseList.fromSparseList( [
 ///       [0, 3, 0],[3, 2, 1],[5, 4, 2],[9, 1, 3]
 ///     ]);
 String createScript() {
   var script = 'new SparseList.fromSparseList( [\n  ';
   var each;
   var newEntry;
   var sSize = 0;
   for (var i = 0; i < basicList.length; i++) {
     each = basicList[i];
     newEntry = '[${each[0].toString()},${each[1].toString()},${each[2].toString()}]' ;
     script = script + newEntry;
     sSize = sSize + newEntry.length;
     if (i < (basicList.length - 1)) {
       script = script + ',';
       if (sSize > 80) {
         script = script + "\n  ";
         sSize = 0;
   script = script + '\n]);';
   return script;



new SparseList() #

Creates a new Object instance.

Object instances have no meaningful state, and are only useful through their identity. An Object instance is equal to itself only.

docs inherited from Object


factory SparseList.from(List other) #

Creates a list and initializes it using the contents of other.

factory SparseList.from(List other) {
 var newList = new SparseList();
 var currentValue, previousValue;
 var item;
 for (var i = 0; i < other.length; i++) {
   currentValue = other[i];
   if (previousValue != currentValue) {
     item = [i,1,currentValue];
   } else {
   previousValue = currentValue;

 newList.itemsLength = other.length;
 return newList;

factory SparseList.fromSparseList(List other) #

Creates a list and initializes it using the contents of other.

new SparseList.fromSparseList( [
  [0, 3, 0],[3, 2, 1],[5, 4, 2],[9, 1, 3]
factory SparseList.fromSparseList(List other) {
 var newList = new SparseList();
 other.forEach((each) {
   newList.itemsLength = newList.itemsLength + each[1];
 return newList;


List basicList #

List basicList = new List()

final E first #

Returns the first element.

E get first {
 if (itemsLength == 0) throw new StateError("No elements");
 return elementAt(0);

final bool isEmpty #

Returns true if there is no value in the list.

bool get isEmpty {
 return basicList.isEmpty;

final bool isNotEmpty #

Returns true if there is at least one element in this collection.

bool get isNotEmpty => !isEmpty;

final List itemList #

Returns the uncompressed list.

List get itemList {
 var theList = new List();
 var chunkSize;
 var chunkValue;
 basicList.forEach((each) {
   chunkSize = each[1];
   chunkValue = each[2];
   for (var i = 0; i < chunkSize; i++) {
 return theList;

var itemsLength #

var itemsLength = 0

final E last #

Returns the last element.

E get last {
 if (itemsLength == 0) throw new StateError("No elements");
 return elementAt(itemsLength - 1);

final int length #

The number of values in the list.

int get length {
 return itemsLength;


E operator [](int index) #

Returns the value at the given index.

E operator[](int index) => this.elementAt(index);

void operator []=(int index, value) #

Set the value at the given index.

void operator[]=(int index, var value) {
 var oldChunkPosition = _chunkPositionForElementAt(index);
 var currentChunk = basicList[oldChunkPosition];
 var currentValue = currentChunk[2];
 if (value != currentValue) {
   var updatedChunk = [currentChunk[0],(index - currentChunk[0]),currentValue];
   var newElementChunk = [index,1,value];
   var newRestChunk = [(index + 1),(currentChunk[1] - updatedChunk[1] - 1),currentValue];
   print("currentChunk $currentChunk updatedChunk $updatedChunk newElementChunk $newElementChunk newRestChunk $newRestChunk ");
   if(newRestChunk[1] > 0)  {
     basicList.insert((oldChunkPosition + 1), newRestChunk);
   basicList.insert((oldChunkPosition + 1), newElementChunk);
   if(updatedChunk[1] == 0) {
   } else {
     basicList[oldChunkPosition] = updatedChunk;


void add(value) #

Adds a new value to the end of this list.

void add(value) {
 // TODO replace last chunk if posible.
 var item = [0,0,value];

void addItem(List aItem) #

Adds a new value to the end of this list.

void addItem (List aItem) {
 itemsLength = itemsLength + aItem[1];

String createScript() #

Returns the Dart script to include in source code.

new SparseList.fromSparseList( [
  [0, 3, 0],[3, 2, 1],[5, 4, 2],[9, 1, 3]
String createScript() {
 var script = 'new SparseList.fromSparseList( [\n  ';
 var each;
 var newEntry;
 var sSize = 0;
 for (var i = 0; i < basicList.length; i++) {
   each = basicList[i];
   newEntry = '[${each[0].toString()},${each[1].toString()},${each[2].toString()}]' ;
   script = script + newEntry;
   sSize = sSize + newEntry.length;
   if (i < (basicList.length - 1)) {
     script = script + ',';
     if (sSize > 80) {
       script = script + "\n  ";
       sSize = 0;
 script = script + '\n]);';
 return script;

E elementAt(int index) #

E elementAt(int index) {
 return basicList[_chunkPositionForElementAt(index)][2];

void forEach(void action(E element)) #

Applies the function f to each element of this collection.

void forEach(void action(E element)) {
 int length = itemsLength;
 var chunkSize;
 var chunkValue;
 basicList.forEach((each) {
   chunkSize = each[1];
   chunkValue = each[2];
   for (var i = 0; i < chunkSize; i++) {
     if (length != itemsLength) {
       throw new ConcurrentModificationError(this);

List<E> toList({bool growable: true}) #

Creates a List containing the elements of this Iterable.

The elements are in iteration order. The list is fixed-length if growable is false.

List<E> toList({ bool growable: true }) {
 List<E> result;
 result = new List.from(itemList, growable: growable );
 return result;